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Stay Home with maimai (Part 2)

Maica applies Silver-Ion Technology for the production of maiProducts. This anti-microbial additive has enabled us to offer maiAnti-Bacterial and maiAnti-Fungi as key product qualities.

Silver is a naturally potent anti-microbial agent. It takes a very small amount of silver (1 femtogram – a lot lighter than 1gm) to kill 1 bacterium. Silver is non-toxic to humans and is routinely used in clinical settings. Interestingly, traces of silver may be found in our drinking water.

Anti-microbial has presumably never become more relevant than today because of Covid-19. It has made us realized how a tiny micro-organism can literally bring the world to a near standstill. For this reason, the visionary founder of Maica has made anti-bacterial as part of the product qualities since its establishment in 1968. We trust that our customers and users have grown in appreciation of this essential product quality.

In addition, maiAnti-Fungi is another key product quality made possible with Silver-Ion Technology. In actual fact, fungi can be more dangerous than bacteria because it is airborne. Maica sent maiLaminate and maiCompact to independent laboratories to do tests and the results show that they are at least 95% to 99% anti-microbial. Let the below videos explain for you.

maiAnti-Bacterial Video:

maiAnti-Fungi Video:

Choose green HPL & Compact.

Choose Maica

Stay safe. Stay home.

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